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Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris

Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris
Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris Complete Feltmaking by Gillian Harris
£ 12.53 (£ 10.44 excl VAT) each

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A Comprehensive guide to ALL aspects of feltmaking and felt work, including making simple flat felt, felting 3D hollow and solid shapes, as well as felting knitted work, dry needle felting, nuno and cobweb felting.

UK Paperback

This book contains 160 pages of fantastic feltmaking projects for everyone, including bags, jewellery, slippers and scarves. Suitable for the complete beginner through to those with feltmaking experience.

What people are saying.......

"I received the felting book on Saturday and I am absolutely delighted. The fantastic projects and excellent instructions is what I have been dreaming about since I started felting 8 months ago. It is so stimulating that I just can't stop salivating at the prospect of (hopefully?) creating such beautiful objects."

"WOW! I think this is probably the best craft book I've ever owned. Thank you so much for the instruction and inspiration. I am a beginner in feltmaking, and I can't wait to dive into these beautiful projects."

"Congratulations on a beautifully produced and clearly written book - you must feel really proud. I'm sure it will fly off the shelves. I will certainly be recommending it."

"I just wanted to say a huge thank-you for your wonderful personally signed book. It is so beautifully presented with clear, clean instructions and a very contemporary feel - very inspirational to both beginners and advanced feltmakers and definitely worth the money spent. Excellent service too, I was amazed it made it to Australia in only 4 days!!!

"Just to say I got my book today and it's WOOOOONDERFUL!! I didn't realise you covered so many techniques. Am so excited shall probably get into trouble for reading it when I'm supposed to be working! Thanks so much for signing it too."

"I must say it the book is really wonderful. You must be very pleased with it. Can't wait to get started on the slippers and I love the fish mobile as well."

"I'm so thrilled and can't wait to make something hot to sip while I study your book. I love the cover and the colors you've selected . Makes one want to jump right in! I know I'll want to make everything possible and then let my imagination go wild and come up with some of my own twists on your artistic inspiration."

"I felt moved to contact you to say how inspiring I found your book. Thank you for the breadth of ideas, and the comprehensive detail - but also the freedom to feel there are no hard and fast rules to how to achieve results."

"I just wanted to let you know that the book arrived today and it is stunning! Thank you so much...I can't wait to get to work! It is beautiful and inspiring and worth every penny even with the horrible exchange rate from the USA!"



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Contact: sales@mohairbearmakingsupplies.co.uk



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